Established 7.17.2019 To maintain the important role of evaluation in the performances of UIL participants, all adjudicators must clearly understand their duties and obligations and must perpetuate the dignity and honor of the profession. To ensure that all adjudicators establish and maintain their duties, obligations, dignity and honor with respect and equity for all, this TMAA Penalties for Rules & Policies Infractions Policy is established.
Any adjudicator who by any act or omission is in violation of published documents of TMAA may be subject to private or public reprimand. Situations involving repeated or severe infractions may result in denial or loss of TMAA membership. Examples of TMAA published documents include, but are not limited to the TMAA Policies and Ethics for Texas Music Adjudicators.
Any director, adjudicator, school official or concerned party may submit a grievance against a specific individual.
Grievances must be submitted to the TMAA Executive Secretary through the TMAA website.
The TMAA Executive Secretary shall immediately inform, in writing, the adjudicator(s) who is (are) the subject of the grievance and the TMAA President.
The TMAA President shall investigate* and report to the TMAA Executive Committee.
The TMAA Executive Committee will administer penalties for Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 violations.
For Level 4 violations, the Committee on Standards and Performance Practices (CSAPP) will take disciplinary action and the decisions of the CSAPP will be final.
The complainant should receive a reply from the Executive Secretary that an investigation will occur and appropriate action will be taken.
The TMAA Executive Committee will have jurisdiction to determine the merit of a grievance and administer penalties for Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 violations. The Executive Committee will also refer to the CSAPP all Level 4 violations.
The CSAPP will have authority to proceed with action regarding Level 4 violations.
The TMAA Executive Secretary has no jurisdiction in this process.
Level 1 – No action. The grievance will be kept in the custodial care of the Executive Secretary. If additional complaints are received action may be taken at a later date.
Level 2 – At the direction of the Executive Committee, the adjudicator will receive a Communication from the President explaining the grievance and making recommendations for correction. A warning will be given that continued complaints could result in a more serious consequence.
Level 3 – At the direction of the Executive Committee, a private letter of reprimand shall be sent to the adjudicator only, and a copy kept in the custodial care of the Executive Secretary. A Level 3 penalty may include a probationary period of up to three years and may include any reasonable conditions which, if not fulfilled, may result in a more stringent penalty.
Level 4- Investigation results show complaint is of a serious nature. (This could also include repeated complaints of a Level 2 or Level 3 violation.) At the direction of the CSAPP, penalties could include a public letter of reprimand (copy sent to UIL Music Region Executive Secretaries), probation, and /or denial or suspension from TMAA membership. These are meant to be examples and not limitations.
The president will begin an investigation promptly. The contest chairperson, Region UIL Executive Secretary, the accused, and/or other appropriate witnesses will be contacted and interviewed. Anonymity and privacy will be considered and maintained with the understanding that at some point the accused may have a right to know the identity of the accuser.
The president will canvas the Executive Committee for a vote on the recommended course of action to take. In the case of a Level 4 violation, the president will then report the recommendation of the Executive Committee to the president-elect for action to be taken by the CSAPP. The president-elect, as chair of the CSAPP, will then canvas the CSAPP for approval or further recommendation. The president-elect will contact the accused member to document the violation and explain the action taken.